Join Us For a Day of Prayer and Fasting
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January. April. July. October
The first Sabbath of every quarter is set aside as a special day of prayer and fasting.
Day of Prayer and Fasting
The first Sabbath (Saturday) of each quarter has been designated as one of four special days of Prayer and Fasting throughout this year. Why a day for prayer and fasting? Because it helps us, in a special way, to focus on the Lord, and our need for Him. We pray that these materials will be a huge blessing for all who participate!
Join us today in this 24 hours of united intercessory prayer and fasting, beginning Friday evening at 7:00 PM through Sabbath evening at 7:00 PM. Download the guidelines PDF above for suggestions on making this meaningful and powerful. You're free to meet individually, as friends, families, and in small groups, including online. Join us LIVE in-person, or on Facebook, and YouTube at 11:00 AM on Sabbath for our worship service and communion. Then, at 1:30 PM, join us again in the sanctuary of Greater Randolph SDA Church (101 Pecan Dr. Schertz, TX 78152) for a special program of prayers, testimonies, songs, and exhortations. Don't miss it my friends.
Let us seek God for revival and the outpouring of His Spirit for missions.
Prayers move the arms that move the world so let's do so on bended knees.
Let us renew our vision and longing for His return instead of loving the world.
What COULD Be If We Only...
After the 1901 General Conference Session, Ellen White had a vision in which she saw church leaders reconciling their differences, and confessing their sins against each other. When she awoke from the vision, Mrs. White realized that what she had witnessed was not a reality. Pride and hardened hearts prevented God's people from being united. Deeply grieved, she understood that the Lord could have come in their lifetime, but His people did not surrender their thoughts and opinions to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Download these tools or print them out to help guide your 24 hours of prayer and fasting, every quarter, Friday @ 7 PM through Saturday @ 7 PM.
7:00 PM
Join the Church in Bible study and prayer on Zoom, YouTube, and Facebook to launch the 24-hour prayer and fasting. We'll study and discuss the first week's lesson in the Sabbath School Quarterly for the second quarter. Download these practical biblical tips for fasting below and incorporate them as you see fit, based on your needs.
11:00 AM & 1:30 PM
We'll be LIVE in the sanctuary of Greater Randolph Church for Divine worship and communion in the morning. Join us in-person, or online via Facebook, and YouTube. Then, in the afternoon, you can participate in readings, prayers, testimonies, singing, exhortation, and fellowship. Get ready to be blessed during this special season of consecration.
"Thanks for Joining us in Prayer & Fasting!"
Brothers and sisters, we invite you to intentionally seek God in focused prayer and fasting on Friday, at 7:00 PM through Sabbath, at 7:00 PM. During those 24 hours, let us turn our hearts and minds towards heaven and intercede for our children, church, and communities. Let us lift up the many needs of our friends, country, and for the world. Let us humble ourselves, seek God's face, pray, and turn from our evil ways so that He may hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our lands (2 Chronicles 7:14). Friends, prayer is the key in the hand of faith to unlock the bondless resources of Omnipotence. Prayer moves the arms that move the world. So why do we pray so little when prayer does so much? Join us then both in-person and online. Feel free to use the prayer guide below for suggestions on how to pray and fast yourself or with friends, family, church members, or in a small group - whether in your home, at your church, or online. See you soon. God bless!
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