Get Connected Today!
You're welcome to connect with us on your journey heavenward. We're a vibrant, loving Christian community who follow Jesus wherever He leads, eager to share Him wherever we go, and are ready to meet Him whenever He comes! Be a part of the family by participating in our weekly worship services. We're located at 101 Pecan Dr. Schertz, Texas 78154.
* Join us for In-Person Worship Services on Saturdays at 11:00 AM and Bible Study @ 9:45 AM. All services are also Livestreamed on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and on our Livestream page.
See you soon (online or in-person), for our next worship service!
Don't miss out! Be sure to check out the calendar for all our upcoming events. Join us this Saturday at 9:45 a.m. CST for Bible study and at 11:00 a.m. for divine worship.
Our Ministries
Here at Greater Randolph SDA Church, we take discipleship seriously. We want you to be connected to Jesus Christ, connected to His Church, and connected to the Community.
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who lovingly witness and proclaim to all people the Everlasting Gospel of the Three Angels’ Messages in preparation for His soon return (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Rev. 14:6-12).
Connect with Christ
Daily personal prayer, Bible study, and witnessing.
Use your gifts and talents to bless.
Learn your faith so you can practice and share it.
Stay in communion with God and move heaven on bended knees.
Connect with Church
Participation in corporate worship, ministry, and stewardship.
Deaconesses, etc.
Adventurers, Pathfinders
Equipping Adults to thrive.
Music, Media, etc.
Connect with Community
Discipling our families, communities, and nations for Christ.
Catering to the mind, body, and spirit.
ER food pantry/assistance.
Actively fighting hunger and feeding hope.
Public health programs through education, collaboration, and services.
Our In-house minsitry of healing for the whole person
Connect with Christ
Daily personal prayer, Bible study, and witnessing.
Use your gifts and talents to bless.
Learn your faith so you can practice and share it.
Stay in communion with God and move heaven on bended knees.
Connect with Church
Participation in corporate worship, ministry, and stewardship.
Deaconesses, etc.
Adventurers, Pathfinders
Equipping Adults to thrive.
Music, Media, etc.
Connect with Community
Discipling our families, communities, and nations for Christ.
Catering to the mind, body, and spirit.
ER food pantry/assistance.
Actively fighting hunger and feeding hope.
Public health programs through education, collaboration, and services.
Our In-house minsitry of healing for the whole person
What Members and Visitors are Saying...
You're family when you visit Greater Randolph SDA Church but don't just take our words for it. Hear it in their own words.
“The friendliest church in SA! Tasty fellowship meals AND AY meeting each week.”
E. Nieves
“God's presence is mighty in this church. The members are so loving and welcoming. Showed up once, and never stopped attending.”
Teeya White
“Such a kind and intelligent group of people. Very welcoming.”
Dr. Linda Carney
Guest Speaker
Members BIZ Services
One way we all thrive is by supporting other members who are providing business services and products you already use. See what's already available by clicking the link below and explore options you may want to use and bless fellow believers who are using their gifts and talents in the market place. God bless you.
Copyright © 1978-2025 Greater Randolph Seventh-day Adventist Church. All rights reserved.